Phone: +353 (0)21 4217436
Mobile: + 353 (0)86 8270703

Loop Tuning and Process Optimisation

steam-boost-control-trendOur expertise in the process industry can be used to assist our customers to optimise the performance of their installed equipment and control systems. This increases overall quality and productivity and reduces energy consumption.

We understand that smooth process operation is based not only the individual elements of a process but also the interactions between them. Our experience has shown that the pasteurisation process is particularly sensitive to plant interactions and controller PID settings.

Our approach is to work closely with plant personnel in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the installed control loops, with the aim of isolating and rectifying specific problems. We optimise the controller PID settings, not only for best response but also taking into account other process interactions that may affect the control loop. We can also provide written reports with recommendations on how to address pertinent issues.